Monk brewmaster rotation
Monk brewmaster rotation

monk brewmaster rotation

KegSmash, nil, nil, not Target: IsSpellInRange(S. KegSmash: IsCastable() and (Player: BuffUp(S. Covenant) then return "faeline_stomp main 36 " end FaelineStomp: IsCastable() and (EnemiesCount8 >= 2) then KegSmash)) then return "keg_smash main 34 " end KegSmash: IsCastable() and (EnemiesCount8 >= 2) then black_ox_brew,if=cooldown.purifying_brew.charges_fractional=2 touch_of_death,if=0.7&(((_action.remains>=20|time=1.8&(cooldown.invoke_niuzao_the_black_ox.remains>10|buff.invoke_niuzao_the_black_ox.up) InvokeNiuzaoTheBlackOx, nil, not Target: IsInRange( 40)) then return "invoke_niuzao_the_black_ox main 18 " end use_item,name=cache_of_acquired_treasures,if=buff.acquired_axe.up|fight_remains=health.max*0.05&(_action.remains>=20|time ", 25) then Trinkets) then return "scars_of_fraternal_strife main 1 " end ScarsofFraternalStrife: IsEquippedAndReady() and Settings. BlackoutComboBuff) and Player: IncomingDamageTaken( 1999) > ( UnitHealthMax( "player ") * 0.1 + Player: StaggerLastTickDamage( 4)) and Player: BuffStack(S. CelestialBrew: IsCastable() and (Player: BuffDown(S. KegSmash, nil, nil, not Target: IsInRange( 40)) then return "keg_smash precombat 8 " end RushingJadeWind, nil, nil, not Target: IsInMeleeRange( 8)) then return "rushing_jade_wind precombat 4 " end ChiWave, nil, nil, not Target: IsInRange( 40)) then return "chi_wave precombat 10 " end ChiBurst, nil, nil, not Target: IsInRange( 40)) then return "chi_burst precombat 6 " end ChiBurst: IsCastable() and (CovenantID ~= 3) then Covenant) then return "fleshcraft precombat 2 " end Note: Not adding potion, as they're not needed pre-combat any longer InvokeNiuzaoTheBlackOx: CooldownRemains() > 10 or Player: BuffUp(S. PurifyingBrew: ChargesFractional() >= 1.8 and (S. InvokeNiuzaoTheBlackOx: CooldownRemains() =1.8&(cooldown.invoke_niuzao_the_black_ox.remains>10|buff.invoke_niuzao_the_black_ox.up) if=stagger.amounttototalpct>=0.7&(((_action.remains>=20|time 0 and StaggerCurrent >= StaggerFull * 0.7) and (S. ModerateStagger) thenĮlseif Player: BuffUp(S. If StaggerFull = 0 then return false endĮlseif Player: BuffUp(S.

monk brewmaster rotation

if there's no stagger, just exist so we don't have to calculate anything Local StaggerFull = Player: StaggerFull() or 0 return S.PurifyingBrew:ChargesFractional() >= 1.8 and (Player:DebuffUp(S.HeavyStagger) or Player:DebuffUp(S.ModerateStagger) or Player:DebuffUp(S.LightStagger)) Leaving this hear for now, in case we want to revert. Hijacked this function to easily handle the APL's multiple purify lines - Cilraaz

monk brewmaster rotation

However this is not needed in the current APL.


The code is sound for a smoothing of damage intake. I am going keep this function in place in case it is needed in the future. Trinkets) then return "Generic use_items for ". Local TrinketToUse = Player: GetUseableTrinkets(OnUseExcludes)


Update CovenantID if we change Covenants 0: none, 1: Kyrian, 2: Venthyr, 3: Night Fae, 4: Necrolord ShaohaosMightEquipped = Player: HasLegendaryEquipped( 89) Local ShaohaosMightEquipped = Player: HasLegendaryEquipped( 89)ĬharredPassionsEquipped = Player: HasLegendaryEquipped( 86) Local CharredPassionsEquipped = Player: HasLegendaryEquipped( 86) Create table to exclude above trinkets from On Use function

Monk brewmaster rotation